The 7 Easiest Plants for Beginner Gardeners

The 7 Easiest Plants for Beginner Gardeners

Starting a garden can be overwhelming enough. From planning the area to amending the soil and picking the best variety for your area, there are too many things to do when all you can think of are the amazing harvests you want to be collecting as soon as possible! These 7 vegetables and herbs have been the easiest to grow for me as a beginner, so they make the perfect guinea pigs for a first try.

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Fertilizer 101: A Beginner’s Guide to a Thriving Garden

Fertilizer 101: A Beginner’s Guide to a Thriving Garden

When I first started gardening last fall, I had no idea what NPK numbers were, let alone that plants need a healthy dose of fertilizer regularly to ensure they have access to the nutrients they need. It wasn’t until I started growing my tomatoes indoors this season that I found out even seedlings run out of nutrients in their pots! Now, as I enter my second season as a gardener I want to make sure my fertilizer schedule ensures that my garden thrives (save for the occasional pest) and that each plant I grow gets the nutrients it needs.

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Gardening by the Moon: Does It Actually Work?

Gardening by the Moon: Does It Actually Work?

When I started gardening last year, my first point of reference was the Farmer’s Almanac. Their articles and planting guides are informative and easy to understand, but not overwhelming like many other gardening sites. As I explored the site I noticed their astronomy tab and their “Gardening by the Moon” section, which as far as I could tell just seemed like some traditional old-school way of growing crops. But does it actually work?

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Top 5 Best One-Pan Meals

Top 5 Best One-Pan Meals

As much as I love cooking, sometimes it becomes a chore. It’s hard getting home from work and telling yourself you have to stand up for at least another half hour in front of a stove instead of crawling into bed like you want. It’s even worse if I have to tackle a pile of dishes afterwards. Thankfully, with the rise of interest in skillet meals, it’s never been easier to make something delicious, quickly, and with little to clean up! Here are my top 5 one-pan meals that I use on busy (or lazy) days.

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10 Fruits That Are Worth A Trip to Brazil

10 Fruits That Are Worth A Trip to Brazil

As a child, I was lucky to be surrounded by beautiful fruit trees that, due to our temperate climate, were always heavy with fruit and ready to be climbed. While I still think that moving to the US was the best thing that could’ve happened to me, it’s hard to forget the flavors I grew up with. Without including any of the vegetables and dishes that I love, these 10 fruits easily make a plane ticket to Brazil worth the money.

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Celebrate Plant A Flower Day!

Celebrate Plant A Flower Day!

As an aspiring vegetable gardener, I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to plant flowers. We’ve been at this house for only a couple of years and slowly attempting to revive the grassless landscape surrounding us little by little has yielded few results. I decided to spruce things up a little by planting some shade-loving and pollinator plants, just in time for National Plant A Flower Day on March 12th!

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